Little boy saving money in the glass jar for education and budget planning concept.

Little boy saving money in the glass jar for education and budget planning concept. ()

Founded in 1944, AMVETS (American Veterans) is “the nation’s most inclusive Congressionally chartered veterans service organization, representing the interests of 20 million veterans” This year, they are offering four different types of scholarships for service members, veterans and their families.

Dr. Aurelio M. Caccomo Memorial Scholarship: Two (2) scholarships of $12,000 awarded annually to a United States veteran or member of the National Guard or Reserves.

AMVETS Veteran, Active Duty & Guard/Reserve Scholarship: Up to $12,000 awarded to a “qualified Veteran or Active-Duty member of the United States military to include the National Guard or Reserves” towards the completion of an undergraduate degree.

AMVETS Spouse Scholarship: $4,000 awarded to “a qualified spouse of a Veteran or Active-Duty member of the United States military to include the National Guard or Reserves” towards the completion of an undergraduate degree.

AMVETS Children/Grandchildren Scholarship: Up to $4,000 awarded to “a qualified child or grandchild of a Veteran or Active Duty member of the United States military to include the National Guard or Reserves” towards the completion of an undergraduate degree.

Applications are due by April 30, 2024. Go to to learn more about the application process and to apply.

author picture
Tamala Malerk is a writer and editor with Stars and Stripes Europe. She has been with SSE since April 2022 writing articles all about travel, lifestyle, community news, military life and more. In May 2022, she earned her Ph.D. in History and promises it is much more relevant to this job than one might think.

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