Rear view of Graduates join the graduation ceremony.

Rear view of Graduates join the graduation ceremony. ()

Every year, Fisher House Foundation sponsors scholarships for unmarried military dependent children under the age of 23. 

“The Scholarships for Military Children program intends that a scholarship funded through contributions be awarded annually at each commissary operated by the Defense Commissary Agency worldwide.”

— Fisher House

On average, 500 scholarships of $2000 each are awarded each year!

Applicants are required to fill out an online application, complete a 500-word essay and submit high school or college transcripts (whichever applies). The application website notes that applicants should “select the commissary where your sponsor normally shops or the commissary nearest to where your sponsor is stationed or resides.”

Applications are typically open from December to February, and are awarded to students by May.

Head to the Fisher House website for details.

author picture
Tamala Malerk is a writer and editor with Stars and Stripes Europe. She has been with SSE since April 2022 writing articles all about travel, lifestyle, community news, military life and more. In May 2022, she earned her Ph.D. in History and promises it is much more relevant to this job than one might think.

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