Nunsense: The Mega Musical at USAG Ansbach’s Terrace Playhouse

Nunsense: The Mega Musical at USAG Ansbach’s Terrace Playhouse ()

The Terrace Playhouse in Ansbach hits a comedic high-energy mark with the youth performance of “Nunsense: The Mega Musical.” Directed by Victoria Hanrahan and performed at Ansbach Middle High School, this light-hearted musical follows a convent of nuns from Hoboken, New Jersey who are in financial trouble.

In order to raise funds, the nuns have decided to showcase their quirky expertise. We are introduced to the members convent and learn about their unique pasts and skills through song and dance. 

The small cast features youth of all ages that display technique, talent and passion for the stage well beyond their years. The show is high energy and has physical comedy as a cornerstone of the performance.

As the performance progress, the unfolding of each nun’s unique comical story uncovers hidden talents that weave a beautiful tapestry of community and leave the audience wanting more.

Reverend Mother Mary Regina (Amelia Burchett) is the queen bee of this convent hive with a commanding presence and an incredibly humorous monologue.

“Talk to the iron!”

— Sister Julia, Child of God (Cayden Sommer)

Sister Amnseia (Natalie Ritter), Sister Mary Brendan (Janna Moore), and Sister Robert Anne (Emily Jones) form a mesmerizing trio; their voices perfectly blending. These youth singers have a depth that I would expect from performers twice their age. Hysterically, Sister Amnesia also performs with Sister Mary Annette, her puppet that is a comically effective tool for her unique style of storytelling. In addition, Sister Robert Anne’s “habit humor” is enhance by her clear, unique voice, physical comedy and hilarious popping into scenes with costume additions.

The nuns habit costumes are pristine and help to exemplify the unity of the convent, while the individual performances highlight their vast differences. 

To close Act One, a comical tap dance number finds the nuns manically working together to get the reluctant Reverend Mother off the stage. The combination of sounds and perfectly choreographed tap dance is thrilling to witness, drawing us unto the compelling story, ready for Act Two.

The use of dance skills extends throughout the show. Tap dancing, ballet, and singing with props are all blended with precise comedic timing by each cast member. A special mention goes to Sister Mary Leo (Abigail Castillo) who presents her ballet talent multiple times throughout the musical.

This show features fun interaction, too, with the use of stairs for performers to share space with the audience as a welcomed treat.

In the end, we are able to appreciate each sister and brother for their distinct roles in the convent. The musical number “Holier Than Thou” artfully brings the cast together with Sister Mary Hubert (Zoey Stubbs) at the helm. The dynamic change into a high energy song and dance is an electric and exciting way to end the musical.

As we see the residents of the convent working together to accomplish their goal of earning money, we also see ourselves in each character. “Nunsense: The Mega Musical” shows the complexity of human life and portrays that even if everyone is dressed alike, inside we are unique and have much to give. Appreciating diversity in character and talent helps make any community special.

author picture
Kat is a travel and lifestyle writer based in Kaiserslautern, Germany with a special interest in anything theatrical, outdoorsy or ancient. She has a bachelor’s degree in geography from Penn State University and a master’s degree in archaeology from the University of the Highlands and Islands.

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