As the days grow longer and the warming power of the sun coaxes growing things to burst into bud, it’s only natural to want to get outside and experience nature’s greatest show first-hand. Leaves of green and vibrant pastel blooms delight the eyes. The scent of flowers and the awakening earth tickle the nose. The busy chatter of birds is like a symphony to our ears.
Another one of the human senses is ready to be awakened from its winter slumber. With their high concentration of nerve endings, the soles of our feet are extremely sensitive to touch, making this the ideal time to ditch shoes and socks in favor of a barefoot experience.
While the simple act of traipsing around the nearest patch of grass in one’s own yard or a nearby nature park can be both grounding and soothing, a number of places in Germany provide a playground for the feet: the Barfuβpfad, or barefoot path.
Barefoot paths are a varied lot, from short stretches along hiking trails to full-fledged leisure facilities charging entry fees. What they have in common is a variety of surfaces to stimulate our soles, from mucky mud to pillow-soft moss to smooth pebbles.
A close cousin to the barefoot path is the Kneipp footbath. These outdoor water facilities are named in honor of Sebastian Kneipp, a mid-19th century German doctor who recognized the healing powers of water, herbs and nature. A “Kneipp Anlage” is a shallow pool in which visitors taking the water cure can be seen with bare legs extending from rolled-up pant legs, walking in circles with an almost stork-like gait. Special pools for carrying out the procedure on arms also exist.
Those based in Germany who are up for titillating their toes at one of these unique places can choose from these or other such facilities. Most generally open around mid-May and close in October. Some are free entry, while at others, you’ll need to pay a few euros to get in.
Barefoot paths
Bad Bayersoien: Seerundweg Soier See
Bad Wörishofen: Barfußweg
Bergrheinfeld: Labyrinth am Main-Radweg
Dietfurt: Barfußpark an der Stadtlaber
Füssen: Walderlebniszentrum
Mittenwald: Barfußwanderweg
Penzberg: Barfußpfad
Spalt: Spalter Barfuss Wonnenweg
Stamsried: Naherholungsgebiet Kirchbachaue
Windelsbach: Barfuß- und Naturerlebnispfad
Foot baths
Bad Wörishofen: facilities throughout town
Grafenau: Bäreal - Der Kurerlebnispark
Barefoot paths
Dornstetten-Hallwangen: Naturerlebnis BarfussPark
Gutach: Park mit allen Sinnen
Metzingen: Barfuss Park mit Kneipp Anlage
Ötisheim: Barfußpfad Kohlplattenwald
Foot baths
Bad Dürrheim: Kneippkurort
Dillingen: Naturkneippanlage an der Donau
Ellwangen: Kneippanlage mit Barfußpark
Barefoot paths
Bad Orb: Barfußpfad
Hofbieber: Barfuß-Erlebnispfad
Foot baths
Bad Schwalbach: Kneipp-Barfußpfad
Wiesbaden: Unter den Eichen (Lufti)
Barefoot paths
Bad Sobernheim: Barfuβpfad
Enkrich: Abenteuer-Barfusspfad
Grenderich: Barfußpfad im Mehrgenerationenpark
Hillesheim: Barfußpfad
Kastellaun: Barfußpfad im Walderlebnispark Kastellaun
Ludwigswinkel: Barfußpfad
Schillingen: Barfußpfad
Thalfang: Barfußpfad
Foot baths
Bad Dürkheim, Kurpark
Annweiler, Kurpark
Bad Bergzabern, Kurpark
Barefoot paths
Losheim: Barfußwanderweg Waldhölzbach