Your installation’s School Liaison Program staff are a good first resource for any questions regarding school options while stationed in Germany. While most students attend a Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) school, both homeschooling and local German schools are available.
KMC: 0611-143-541-9061: Rhine Ordnance Barracks (R.O.B.) Bldg. 162, Room 102. kaiserslautern.armymwr.com/programs/school-liaison-officer-slo
Ramstein: 06371-47-9374: Bldg. 2118, Room 231. www.ramstein.af.mil/86MSGSLO
Spangdahlem: 06565-61-5340: Bldg. 151, Room 206. www.spangdahlem.af.mil/Contact-Us/School-Liaison-Office
Wiesbaden: 0611-143-548-9305: Hainerberg Housing, Bldg. 7790. wiesbaden.armymwr.com/happenings/school-liaison-office
Stuttgart: 09641-70-596-9009: Patch Barracks Bldg. 2347, 2nd Floor. stuttgart.armymwr.com/directory/68545
Ansbach: 09802-83-2098: Katterbach Kaserne, Bldg. 9028, Room 7B. ansbach.armymwr.com/programs/slo-ansbach
Garmisch: 08821-750-2266: Breitenau Kaserne, Bldg. 723. garmisch.armymwr.com/programs/school-support-service
Grafenwöhr and Vilseck: 09641-70-526-9042: Tower Barracks, Bldg 539. grafenwoehr.armymwr.com/directory/65550
Hohenfels: 09472 708-2082: Camp Nainhof, Bldg. 10. hohenfels.armymwr.com/programs/school-liaison-officer-slo
Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) schools accept enrollment throughout the year to accommodate military families.
Enroll at: www.dodea.edu/registration
Kaiserslautern Military Community
• Baumholder Middle/High School: Grades 6–12. baumholdermhs.dodea.edu
• Landstuhl Elementary School: Pre-School to Grade 5. landstuhles.dodea.edu
• Kaiserslautern Elementary School: Sure Start to Grade 5. kaiserslauternes.dodea.edu
• Kaiserslautern Middle School: Grades 6–8. kaiserslauternms.dodea.edu
• Kaiserslautern High School: Grades 9–12. kaiserslauternhs.dodea.edu
• Ramstein Elementary School: Sure Start to Grade 2. ramsteines.dodea.edu
• Ramstein Intermediate School: Grades 3 to 5. ramsteinis.dodea.edu
• Ramstein Middle School: Grades 6 to 8. ramsteinms.dodea.edu
• Ramstein High School: Grades 9 to 12. ramsteinhs.dodea.edu
• Sembach Elementary School: Sure Start to Grade 5. sembaches.dodea.edu
• Smith Elementary School (Baumholder): Pre-K to Grade 5. smithes.dodea.edu
• Spangdahlem Elementary School: Sure Start to Grade 5. spangdahlemes.dodea.edu
• Spangdahlem Middle School: Grades 6-8. spangdahlemms.dodea.edu
• Spangdahlem High School: Grades 9-12. spangdahlemhs.dodea.edu
• Vogelweh Elementary School: Pre-K to Grade 5. vogelwehes.dodea.edu
• Aukamm Elementary: Kindergarten to Grade 5. aukammes.dodea.edu
• Wiesbaden Elementary School: Pre-K to Grade 5. wiesbadenes.dodea.edu
• Wiesbaden Middle School: Grades 6-8. wiesbadenms.dodea.edu
• Wiesbaden High School: Grades 9-12. wiesbadenhs.dodea.edu
• Patch Elementary School: Pre-K to Grade 5. patches.dodea.edu
• Patch Middle School: Grades 6–8. patchms.dodea.edu
• Robinson Barracks Elementary School: Kindergarten to Grade 5. robinsonbarrackses.dodea.edu
• Stuttgart Elementary School: Kindergarten to Grade 5. stuttgartes.dodea.edu
• Stuttgart High School: Grades 9 to 12. stuttgarths.dodea.edu
• Ansbach Elementary School: Sure Start to Grade 5. ansbaches.dodea.edu
• Ansbach Middle/ High School: Grades 6–12. ansbachmhs.dodea.edu
• Garmisch Elementary Middle School: Kindergarten to Grade 8. garmischems.dodea.edu
• High school-aged students living in the Garmisch area do not have a local DoDEA high school. Instead, they may attend the DoDEA Virtual School (dvhs.dodea.edu) or participate in the Non-DoD School Program (NDSP) which helps fund homeschooling, boarding or international schools. In addition, students may choose to attend a local German school.
• Grafenwöhr Elementary School: Pre-K to Grade 5. grafenwoehres.dodea.edu
• Hohenfels Elementary School: Sure Start to Grade 5. hohenfelses.dodea.edu
• Hohenfels Middle/High School: Grades 6–12. hohenfelsmhs.dodea.edu
• Netzaberg Elementary School (Grafenwöhr): Sure Start to Grade 5. netzaberges.dodea.edu
• Netzaberg Middle School (Grafenwöhr): Grade 6–8. netzabergms.dodea.edu
• Vilseck Elementary School: Sure Start to Grade 5. vilseckes.dodea.edu
• Vilseck High School: Grades 9–12. vilseckhs.dodea.edu
You can home-school if you live on or off-installation. Home-schooling is a legal option open to all SOFA-sponsored active-duty military, DoD civilians and contractors. Your children may be eligible for auxiliary services offered by DoDEA-Europe. Contact your SLO for more information and to connect with home-school groups.
While stationed in Germany, you have the choice to have your children attend German schools. It’s strongly recommended to discuss this option thoroughly with your installation’s SLO before applying.
Key differences
• American holidays are not granted off, and schools have breaks spread throughout the school year instead of a long summer holiday.
• Attendance is heavily monitored with fines for unexcused absences (including for vacation).
• Hiring a tutor for extra language support is highly recommended as German as second language classes are limited in scope.
German school system structure
Kita (Kindertagesstätte) is a collective term for both daycare and preschool.
Daycare (Kinderkrippe) is generally not available for Americans as it is competitively offered at specific rates to qualified dual-income German households.
Preschools (Kindergärten) may offer spaces to American student aged 3–6 (or 7) on a space-available basis. You must apply for a spot at the Kita of your choosing. Some states like Rheinland-Pfalz do not charge tuition, while most states, like Bavaria, do.
Grundschule: Students in grades 1–4 usually walk or bike to their local Grundschule, which typically operate from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. with all-day (Ganztag) care available. Some Grundschule will allow for American students on a space-available basis.
Grades 5 and up are tracked into three options.
Realschule is for students in grades 5–10 who will likely attend a trade or skills school following graduation.
Integrierte Gesamptschules (IGS) are for students in grades 5 and up who retain the option to graduate at 10th grade or (given high enough scores) may enter the Abitur program to earn a university entrance diploma. An IGS will have multiple levels for coursework, much like an American school.
Gymnasiums are for students in grades 5–13 whose goal is to earn an Abitur for university entrance. A Gymnasium will typically only have high level coursework.
Another option is sending your child to a private international school. Many of these schools have day and/or boarding options. They also offer English-language instruction and make a good alternative to German public schools for students not eligible for DoDEA attendance. Contact your installation’s SLO to learn about the international school options in your area.