A dachsund in an orange life vest sitting on a green kayak between two human knees

Catalina riding a kayak in Faro, Portugal (Michele)

Fun in the sun with Dachshund Catalina!

This adventurous pup is 1 year old. She went on a trip with her family to Faro, Portugal where she was able to kayak around the beach. She was nervous at first, but her family said everything was going to be OK. Plus, she had on an adorable doggy life vest.

Catalina’s kayaking photo was submitted by Stars and Stripes reader Michele.

How is your pet enjoying the summer?

Send your photo submissions for pet of the month to with the subject line “Pet of the month.” Please include pets only, no direct images of people, and let us know a little about the photo of your animal companion!

A dachsund in an orange life vest sitting on a green kayak between two human knees

Catalina riding a kayak in Faro, Portugal (Michele)

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Kat is a travel and lifestyle writer based in Kaiserslautern, Germany with a special interest in anything theatrical, outdoorsy or ancient. She has a bachelor’s degree in geography from Penn State University and is currently in the depths of an archaeology dissertation for the University of the Highlands and Islands.

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