The Children’s Book Project is developed to help parents, educators, caregivers, libraries, and schools. The project is bilingual, written in English and Spanish, with its main focus in discussing each book along with a lesson plan or workbook. This allows kids to learn while brainstorming the stories, as a way to improve reading and writing habits.
English books are: The House of Caramel: enjoy the walk down the sweet road and discover what is hidden behind the waterfall. Layla & The Magician: and how to overcome difficulties when disliking reading. In the Land of The Butterflies: jump in the magic carpet to fly around with the glittery butterflies, just be prepare to think about your future.
Spanish books are: La Casa de Caramelo: toma la ruta que te llevara a descubir que se esconde detras de la caida de agua. Layla & El Mago: como sobrellevar las dificultades que encontramos cuando comenzamos a leer. En la Tierra de Las Mariposas: emprende un vuelo encantador junto a las brillantes mariposas, preparate a pensar en tu futuro.
Bilingual lesson plans or workbooks are available as well, for those interested in re-enforcing brainstorming and critical thinking.
About the author:
Mercedes is a lawyer by training, a teacher by choice, and a writer at heart. While teaching she found her most fulfilling experiences to be not only in the classroom, but in her students' homes as well as she witnessed the importance of parental involvement. She saw firsthand how a lack of academic information and effective kidsal tools, or their untimely delivery, could affect her students' path to development and eventual way to college. Her goal is to help both children and parents discuss each book in detail, as a way to promote critical thinking and analysis.
She is currently living in Maryland, while her husband serves in the United States Army. They have a 5 years old girl, and a rescued female dog. She is available for questions about the project, books reading and online classes to help students develop brainstorming, while inducing critical thinking. In English or Spanish. She truly believes in introducing reading as a fun activity, at first, allowing kids to enjoy the multiple benefits that comes it.
All books are available online at:
Barnes & Noble books: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/Mercedes+Carolina+Nieves?_requestid=603...
Amazon Books: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Mercedes+Carolina+Nieves&i=stripbooks&ref=nb_...
Visit and like her Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/The-Childrens-Book-Project-387652484759729/?ref...
For additional information or inquiries please contact: childrenbookproject@gmail.com