Experience the charm of Neumarkt with its historic architecture and Bavarian traditions, beautifully illustrated in a watercolor-style scene. Weisswurst in Neumarkt captures the essence of this picturesque town, inviting you to explore its rich culinary and cultural heritage.

Weisswurst in Neumarkt ()

For a truly German wurst that maintains the integrity of tradition, visiting the Weisswurst Sausage Academy (the first of its kind) in Hotel Wittmann, Neumarkt might be worth adding to your Bavaria itinerary. Here you can eat and learn how to make your own sausage from a Wurst Master.

A round ceramic bowl with two white sausages in it, served with brown sweet mustard, a mug of dark beer and fresh pretzel bread on white and blue napkin over wooden background.

Bavarian traditional white sausages in ceramic pan (Natasha Breen -

What is weisswurst and how did it come to be?

Local legends claim the white, veal sausage known as weisswurst was created by a Munich Inn keeper, Moser Sepp on Shrove Sunday (the Sunday before Ash Wednesday) in 1857. In the morning rush of his hungry guests, he realized he had no sheep’s intestines left to make sausages. To improvise, he used pork casings. Fearing the tender skin would burst when roasted like a traditional sausage, Sepp made a snap decision to boil it in water and thus the white sausage was born. Later, spices like parsley and pork back fat were added into the veal filling for a richer flavor. Regulations state that the wurst must contain at least 51 percent veal to be called weisswurst.

a poster of red drawings illustrating different cuts of meats from different animals

Butcher’s meat cuts (AI Generated-

Hotel Wittmann through the generations

Norbert Wittmann is a master butcher and chef who takes pride in making weisswurst since the craft has been passed down to him by his father. In his shop, an antique sign reads “Prices include additional weight.” This historical nod refers to bones, rinds and fat in the sausage which used to be the norm in sausage preparation for butchers. Whereas today, “lean diets” are more popular. Whitman makes a point to continue to use everything from the animals in his butcher shop and hotel restaurant, including the “good fat” which enriches the flavor and nutrition. Wittmann’s recipes and passion have been passed down to all three of his children. His eldest daughter, Nadja was named the “1st Bavarian Weisswurst Queen” in 2013 and now has her own butcher shop.

A close-up picture of a man using metal machinery to fill a sausage casing.

Man making sausages the traditional way using sausage filler. Homemade sausage. (123RF)

At the Weisswurst Sausage Academy, Wittmann shares his extensive knowledge with anyone who wishes to learn the secrets of this Bavarian classic. Visitors can take a seminar and even earn their own “White Sausage Diploma.” For those who simply want to learn more and appreciate how sausages are made, the hotel has an adjoining Weisswurst Museum filled with nostalgic butchery equipment, featuring pieces Wittmann’s father collected and new additions, some of which are over 100 years old. Nearly all the equipment shows the full production process used in a butcher’s shop during the 18th and 19th centuries. For a celebration with a historical twist, parties of up to 35 guests can dine in the museum for special occasions.

Perfect pairings
a green plate of two white sausages and a big crispy pretzel with mustard on the side.

Bavarian breakfast with white sausage, pretzel and beer (123RF)

A proper weisswurst needs proper accompaniments: A fresh, crispy pretzel sprinkled with salt flakes, a balanced mustard that enhances not subtracts from the flavor and a Weissbier to wash it all down. Since 2008, Wittmann has made his sausage and pretzels fresh each morning just like his father. His mustard is produced in a small factory in Egling an der Paar for the perfect not-too-sweet, not-too-spicy condiment compliment to the weisswurst. In Germany, every meal has a perfect beer pairing. Weissbier, a classic wheat beer also known as hefeweizen with its creamy, fruit and clove flavor profile is the beer to meld with the secret (or not so secret if you attend the academy) spice blend in the sausages. For more information, visit

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Katie Wells is a writer and mixed media artist with an MFA in Creative Writing. She is passionate about nature, travel, and yoga. When she’s not writing or getting lost in new hobbies, you can find her cuddling up with a latte and her two dogs Zuko and Baymax and Fern the cat.

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