For some, Easter is about the commemoration of Christ’s resurrection. It’s also viewed as a chance to welcome spring. In Germany, it is no different. However, our host nation offers its own customs and traditions for us to enjoy.
Der Ostermarkt (Easter Market)
This is by far my favorite! Any season that includes its own special markets ranks at the top of my list. The main feature of these markets is artisan-crafted eggs. They are handcrafted from a wide range of materials, including glass, wood and fabric.
Der Osterhase (Easter Bunny)
It is believed that the idea of the Easter Bunny originated in Germany, with the Germans and Dutch bringing it to the United States in the 1700s. Children make and leave nests in their yards for the Easter Bunny to leave presents. Similar to in the States, kids hunt for eggs and other treats on Easter morning.
Der Osterbaum (Easter Tree)
Beautifully decorated eggs are hung from the branches of live trees and bushes outdoors. Some cut branchs from trees, put them in vases inside their homes, and hang eggs from them. The eggs can be made out of plastic, styrofoam or hollowed-out real ones.
Das Gebackene Osterlamm (The Baked Easter Lamb)
You can’t have a holiday without a traditional dessert to accompany it! In Germany, it’s das Gebackene Osterlamm, which is a cake in the shape of a lamb — not an actual baked lamb.
Das Osterrad (Easter Bonfire)
Hay is put in a large wheel and set on fire. It’s then pushed down a hill. If the wheel makes it to the bottom intact, it is said that the harvest will be good that year. This tradition is only practiced by some northern areas of Germany, including Lügde in Weserbergland — the Osterradstadt (Easter city)— that is been following this tradition for more than a thousand years.
Please share your favorite Easter Markets and Easter foods and dessert recipes with us at contentteam[at]stripes[dot]com. Frohe Ostern (Happy Easter)!