Parents with child in car

Parents with child in car ()

School is letting out soon and if you are planning a summer-time road trip with kids, we’ve got some tips that may make the ride smoother.

Start Small: If all your kids are used to is a neighborhood trip to the store, try branching out on two to three-hour trips and then maybe an overnight trip before venturing out on a long-distance trip.

Give the Kids Tasks: Before you go, give each kid an age-appropriate checklist to get them more involved with the whole experience. For example, put one kid in charge of making sure everyone has underwear. (Also, double-check everyone’s checklist before final takeoff).

Snacks: Pack finger-friendly snacks that are a mix of healthy items and treats. Have the kids help you pick out what snacks you pack so they feel more in control. Make a “road trip” trail mix with the kids that is a blend of healthy and sweet that will make even the pickiest eaters smile.

Travel at Night: If you’ve got really small children, traveling after bedtime can help kids sleep along the way. Eat a nice hearty dinner and pack their favorite movie to watch before they fall asleep.

Change up the Entertainment: Movies and shows can get old quickly for short attention spans. Bring along travel-friendly games and activities such as crossword puzzles or word searches.. Have the kids pick out books from the library before you go.

Road Trip Bingo: Find or create some road trip Bingo cards of things and places everyone might see on the drive (i.e., dog in another vehicle, a McDonalds, etc.). Also, teach kids the license plate game (the international version is fun over here in Europe).

Hope for the Best; Prepare for the Worst: Pack plenty of sanitation wipes, rubber gloves, hand sanitizer, sickness bags and towels. Older kids (and adults unfamiliar with where the nearest rest stop is) might appreciate a portable potty kit like the one from GoGirl or even a small portable toilet.

Plan your Stops: Is the world’s largest twine ball five minutes off your route? Why not stop, stretch your legs, eat a sandwich and take a pic for the Gram (or Gramma)? Educate kids about the places you’ll stop along the way to ramp up the excitement.

Vary up the Accommodations: Stay at a cabin in a campground one night and maybe the next night stay at a hotel with a pool. Make the overnight just as exciting (if not more) than daytime travel stops.

Create a Reward System: Did the kids go three hours without fighting? Reward them with a pre-planned toy, a small activity of their choice or maybe a candy or popcorn snack to go with their next movie.

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