Keebler on Omaha Beach

Keebler on Omaha Beach (Angelica Silva)

Bonjour mes amis!

Mom told me that means, “Hello my friends,” in French. I was just dozing and enjoying the sunshine, when memories of our recent trip flooded my mind. During spring break the car was packed and we headed to Bernieres-sur-Mer, France. The drive was about seven hours, but Dad made plenty of stops for me to stretch my legs, and my human siblings even brought back fries to share from their lunch.

On our first day in Normandy, my older furry brother and I caught up on our puppy naps, while my family visited a few places that weren’t suitable for us. Mom promised me a treat when they returned, and true to her word, she brought back food from a local grocery store. I munched on cheese while she described their visit to the Musee de la Tapisserie de Bayeux, where they saw a 69-meter-long embroidered tapestry depicting William the Conqueror’s English invasion. The tapestry is in glass and wrapped around inside the building.  I would have needed someone to pick me up to see it.

Then my human siblings gave me salami while they told me about Mont St. Michel in Normandy, France. They took a shuttle, then walked over a bridge because the abbey is surrounded by water. My human sister said the main street into the abbey is uphill and about 200 m long (I could have raced her to the top though!). My youngest human brother told me there are 350 stone steps taller than me to the top of the Abbey. Despite the tempting tales, the thought of climbing those steps made me sleepy, so I took a nap instead.

The next day started with a delicious croissant, which I made sure to clean up after my human siblings before heading to the Airborne Museum in Saint-Mere-Eglise. My family learned about Private John Steele, a brave paratrooper who got caught on a church bell tower during World War II. Despite being captured, he managed to escape and return to the Allied forces. We took a walk across the cobblestone and Dad showed me where a sculpture was placed on the church with a parachute in Private Steele’s honor.

After that we made a stop at Caramels d’Isigny, where my family learned about caramel production. They came out smelling so sweet, and to my dismay, they didn’t share with me. My human sister said twelve people make 80,000 caramels daily, which made me think I could do a better job and accept payment in the milk, butter or caramel this area is known for.

After a full day of adventures, we headed to one last stop. As soon as my paws touched the soft sand at Omaha Beach, I knew I was in for an adventure. While my human sister taught me how to dig and introduced me to a crab, my Dad and brothers walked towards the biggest bathtub I’ve seen. Mom told me about the ocean, and promised I’d have no bath today, then she explained the significance of this area. She reminded me of the brave men who fought here eighty years ago. Inspired by their courage, I ran circles around my family, filled with joy and gratitude for life’s experiences.

As the sun set on our day, we began our journey home. I gazed out of the window, reflecting on our journey. Mom mentioned someday flying to a place called the USA, but for now, I felt fortunate to live in a place with access to so many experiences. With a grateful heart and a cozy lap to rest in, I closed my eyes on France and woke up again in Germany.

Keebler on Omaha Beach

Keebler on Omaha Beach (Angelica Silva)

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