“The Odd Couple (Female Version)“ at Aviano Community Schools and Theater

“The Odd Couple (Female Version)“ at Aviano Community Schools and Theater (Shawna Haas)

The antics begin over a game of Trivial Pursuit in the Aviano Community and Schools Theater version of “The Odd Couple (Female Version),” directed by Heidi Heairet.

Like the much-loved original play and spin-off television series, this version features two people with polar-opposite personalities that come together in a time of trial. The results are hysterical, and a must-see for adult audiences in the Aviano area.

“The Odd Couple (Female Version)“ at Aviano Community Schools and Theater

“The Odd Couple (Female Version)“ at Aviano Community Schools and Theater (Shawna Haas)

Olive (Katie Pawlik) is messy but confident, sarcastic and always giving in to her ex-husband who asks for money. Florence (Rachel Schaul) is recently separated from her husband and is invited to live with Olive. She is a neat-as-a-pin housewife struggling with her new situation; everything hurts and she whines about it.

The sets and props blend seamlessly into the storyline here. It is Olive’s New York apartment and reflects her chaotic personality. It gets messy. They bicker, and when Olive says, “-----edited for content-----” the audience can’t stop laughing.  (Sorry about that, I can’t print the funniest lines. Let’s just say that this upscale bawdy comedy is certainly an adult show). Florence cannot handle the mess and we see her obsessively cleaning the Trivial Pursuit cards.

As we get to know this new ‘odd couple’ and their friends, more of their personal life comes out. Under the hilarity are real-life issues: suicide, female relationships, sexuality and crisis. Comedy can be an antidote and that is how it is used here. Florence spends a scene hysterically insulting the husband who kicked her out. We laugh and cry with her, we poke fun of those deeper issues because they are so raw.

“The Odd Couple (Female Version)“ at Aviano Community Schools and Theater

“The Odd Couple (Female Version)“ at Aviano Community Schools and Theater (Shawna Haas)

Four other friends bring depth and variety to this funny look at the female experience. Mickey (Jessica Blatt) is a police officer who can be a bit controlling. Renee (SrA Kaila McCarthy) tells it like it is (we all have that friend, right?). Sylvie (SrA Marely Gonzalez), her best friend, is a tad irritable, likely because she is struggling to stop smoking. Vera (Anna Young) is sweet and does well at trying to keep up with the rest of this crew.

To shake things up, Olive and Florence attempt a double date with Spanish brothers Manolo (SrA Seth Bauer) and Jesus (A1C Zachary Jakel). Florence is averse. The guys are sweet and naïve. It’s awkward and the comedic timing is spot-on leading to a true high point of hilarity in the show.

“The Odd Couple (Female Version)“ at Aviano Community Schools and Theater

“The Odd Couple (Female Version)“ at Aviano Community Schools and Theater (Shawna Haas)

The cast of eight features a whopping six actors making their debut performance at Aviano. In addition, this is the first show directed by Heairet. The talent is impressive, and the true message of help is not lost in the laughs: a contact sheet of helping agencies is included in the show program.

With the enigmatic board game serving as a constant on-stage reminder, we come to realize that life itself can be a trivial pursuit, why shouldn’t it also be funny?

Tickets for “Odd Couple (Female Version)” are $10 at the door.

Location: Aviano Middle High School

Show dates:

Apr. 5, 6, 12 at 6 p.m.

Apr. 7, 13 at 2 p.m.

Cast of “The Odd Couple (Female Version)“ at Aviano Community Schools and Theater

Cast of “The Odd Couple (Female Version)“ at Aviano Community Schools and Theater (Shawna Haas)

author picture
Kat is a travel and lifestyle writer based in Kaiserslautern, Germany with a special interest in anything theatrical, outdoorsy or ancient. She has a bachelor’s degree in geography from Penn State University and is currently in the depths of an archaeology dissertation for the University of the Highlands and Islands.

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