There may be times during your stay in Europe when you cannot get to the commissary or the clinic pharmacy. You may find yourself traveling when a family member gets a sore throat or gets a bee sting. If you are in Germany, you will need to find an Apotheke - the pharmacy - for medications. The Apotheke is recognizable by both a stylized A logoand the green cross symbol.
Many medicines that you buy on shelves in the U.S. are considered "over the counter" here and must actually be handed to you over the counter by a pharmacist. When visiting a German Apotheke you will need to speak with the pharmacist first about your symptoms in order to receive any medications. While symptoms may be fairly easy to communicate, or even mime, to the pharmacist, it might not be completely clear what medicine you are being given.
This list is a guideline to help you know what medicines are called in German.
NOTE: you have any doubts about medicine, dosages or appropriateness, you can use the Tricare Nurse Advice Line from any location.
Antacid Generic: Aluminiumhydroxid, Brand: Maaloxan 25mval liquid in 10ml packets Generic: Calcium Carbonate, Brand: Rennie Kautabletten
Generic: Aluminiumhydroxid,
Brand: Maaloxan 25mval liquid in 10ml packets
Generic: Calcium Carbonate,
Brand: Rennie Kautabletten
Antidiarrheal Generic: Loperamid-Hcl 2 mg, Brand: Lopedium akut bei akutem Durchfall
Generic: Loperamid-Hcl 2 mg,
Brand: Lopedium akut bei akutem Durchfall
Antifungal/foot Generic: Terbinafin, Brands: Lamisil Spray/Creme/DermGel Generic: Clotrimazol, Brands: Canesten Spray/Creme Generic: Bifonazol, Brands: Canesten Extra Spray/Creme
Generic: Terbinafin,
Brands: Lamisil Spray/Creme/DermGel
Generic: Clotrimazol,
Brands: Canesten Spray/Creme
Generic: Bifonazol,
Brands: Canesten Extra Spray/Creme
Antifungal/jock itch Generic: Ketoconazol, Brand: Nizoral Creme/Shampoo
Generic: Ketoconazol,
Brand: Nizoral Creme/Shampoo
Antifungal/vaginal Generic: Clotrimazol, Brands: KadeFungin 3, Kombi-Packung Canesten GYN 3-Tage-Therapie
Generic: Clotrimazol,
Brands: KadeFungin 3, Kombi-Packung Canesten GYN 3-Tage-Therapie
Antihistamine Generic: Loratadin, Brand: Claritin Generic: Cetirizin, Brand: Zyrtec
Generic: Loratadin,
Brand: Claritin
Generic: Cetirizin,
Brand: Zyrtec
Artificial tears Generic: Hypromellose/Polyvidon, Brand: Lacrisic Augentropfen
Generic: Hypromellose/Polyvidon,
Brand: Lacrisic Augentropfen
Children’s Ibuprofen Generic: Ibuprofen 100mg/5ml, Brand: NUROFEN Junior Fiebersaft
Generic: Ibuprofen 100mg/5ml,
Brand: NUROFEN Junior Fiebersaft
Children’s Tylenol Generic: Paracetamol, Brands: Ben-u-ron Saft (200mg/5ml), Paracetamol Saft –gengen Fieber und Schmerzen
Generic: Paracetamol,
Brands: Ben-u-ron Saft (200mg/5ml), Paracetamol Saft –gengen Fieber und Schmerzen
Common warts Generic: Dimethyl ether Brands: Wartner Remover (adults), for children: Wartner Kids
Generic: Dimethyl ether
Brands: Wartner Remover (adults), for children: Wartner Kids
Constipation Generic: Macrogol 400 (Polyethylene Glycol), Brand: Laxoberal (sachet, tablets / drops)
Generic: Macrogol 400 (Polyethylene Glycol),
Brand: Laxoberal (sachet, tablets / drops)
Cough medicine Generic: Dextrmoethorphan, Brands: Wick Formel 44 Husten-Stiller Sirup (Syrup), Wick Forem 44 Plus Husten-Pastillen (Lozenges)
Generic: Dextrmoethorphan,
Brands: Wick Formel 44 Husten-Stiller Sirup (Syrup), Wick Forem 44 Plus Husten-Pastillen (Lozenges)
Ear wax remover Generic: Docusat-Natrium, Brand: Otowaxol Lösung
Generic: Docusat-Natrium,
Brand: Otowaxol Lösung
Head lice Generic: Permethrin, Brand: Infectopedicul
Generic: Permethrin,
Brand: Infectopedicul
Oral electrolyte replacement (adults) Contains: sodium, potassium chloride and glucose Brand: Elotrans Pulver (sachets, powder for oral solution)
Contains: sodium, potassium chloride and glucose
Brand: Elotrans Pulver (sachets, powder for oral solution)
Saline nasal spray Generic: Sodium Chloride, Brand: Emser Nasenspray
Generic: Sodium Chloride,
Brand: Emser Nasenspray
Throat lozenges Brand: Lemocin (with Lidocain) Brand: DoloDobendan (with Benzocain)
Brand: Lemocin (with Lidocain)
Brand: DoloDobendan (with Benzocain)
Topical anesthetics Active Ingredient: Lidocain Brand: Kamistad-Gel N
Active Ingredient: Lidocain
Brand: Kamistad-Gel N
Generic: Aluminiumhydroxid,
Brand: Maaloxan 25mval liquid in 10ml packets
Generic: Calcium Carbonate,
Brand: Rennie Kautabletten
Generic: Loperamid-Hcl 2 mg,
Brand: Lopedium akut bei akutem Durchfall
Generic: Terbinafin,
Brands: Lamisil Spray/Creme/DermGel
Generic: Clotrimazol,
Brands: Canesten Spray/Creme
Generic: Bifonazol,
Brands: Canesten Extra Spray/Creme
Generic: Ketoconazol,
Brand: Nizoral Creme/Shampoo
Generic: Clotrimazol,
Brands: KadeFungin 3, Kombi-Packung Canesten GYN 3-Tage-Therapie
Generic: Loratadin,
Brand: Claritin
Generic: Cetirizin,
Brand: Zyrtec
Generic: Hypromellose/Polyvidon,
Brand: Lacrisic Augentropfen
Generic: Ibuprofen 100mg/5ml,
Brand: NUROFEN Junior Fiebersaft
Generic: Paracetamol,
Brands: Ben-u-ron Saft (200mg/5ml), Paracetamol Saft –gengen Fieber und Schmerzen
Generic: Dimethyl ether
Brands: Wartner Remover (adults), for children: Wartner Kids
Generic: Macrogol 400 (Polyethylene Glycol),
Brand: Laxoberal (sachet, tablets / drops)
Generic: Dextrmoethorphan,
Brands: Wick Formel 44 Husten-Stiller Sirup (Syrup), Wick Forem 44 Plus Husten-Pastillen (Lozenges)
Generic: Docusat-Natrium,
Brand: Otowaxol Lösung
Generic: Permethrin,
Brand: Infectopedicul
Contains: sodium, potassium chloride and glucose
Brand: Elotrans Pulver (sachets, powder for oral solution)
Generic: Sodium Chloride,
Brand: Emser Nasenspray
Brand: Lemocin (with Lidocain)
Brand: DoloDobendan (with Benzocain)
Active Ingredient: Lidocain
Brand: Kamistad-Gel N
As with any medical advice or treatment you get on the economy, it is adviseable to schedule a follow-up appointment with your primary care doctor upon returning to your duty station.