It may be hard to “go green,” especially when traveling. However, imagine how much cleaner your favorite major city maybe if there wasn’t pollution everywhere? Whether you’re a consciously Earth-friendly person or would like to start becoming greener, consider these factors that next time you head on one of your journeys.
1. Walk, walk, walk
Before cars were invented, there were feet. Use the first means of transportation to get from one point of a city to another if it’s not unreasonably far. Staying outside a city or want to explore more? Take the bus, or use a bike if accessible instead of getting a rental car. The fumes from your car will be one less factor contributing to pollution.
2. Remember where you are
It can be easy to throw your towel on the bathroom floor after you’ve only used it once but consider how many loads of laundry the cleaning staff already have to do. Do you really need to have your hardly used towels washed or can you get a couple more uses out of it? Also, try to take shorter showers whenever possible to save water. Though there is usually plenty of lighting in hotel rooms, turn off the lamps you don’t currently need.
3. Reduce, reuse, recycle
Remember the three R’s? They can be applied to traveling as well. For example, if you’ve bought a water bottle from a nearby convenience store, reuse that bottle throughout the day and fill up on tap water. If you’re taking a trip to Rome, bring a water bottle from home and make use of the nasoni, a type of water fountain that lets you refill water. Just don’t get it confused with the fountains in the piazzas!
4. Stay in an eco-friendly accommodation
These accommodations may be hard to find, especially if you are pressed for time or if you are in a compact location. However, peruse through ecobnb, the eco-friendly version of Airbnb to see if you can stay at an accommodation mother Earth will be proud of.
5. Eat local food
I don’t mean eating at restaurants the locals go to but eating at restaurants that serve locally sourced food. Check websites like Yelp and TripAdvisor for a farm-to-table dining experience. It will not only be good for the earth, but also for your health!
6. Double check your tours
Book any tours involving animals? Do your research and double check if this tour is ethically and ecologically friendly to animals.
Tip: Visit Kynder Europe to look at environmental friendly, hotels and retreats, wineries and eateries around Europe.
Being on vacation doesn’t mean you need to drop your conscious efforts of being an Earth-friendly person. From watching what you eat to reusing your plastic bottles, doing little green acts of love will help the earth and country around you.
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