car and truck driving in Poland

car and truck driving in Poland ()

Here is a quick guide to driving in Poland, whether for vacation or while stationed in the country.


Here are a few Polish words you may see on road signs in Poland.

• “Pob.r” – Toll

• “Zoll” – Customs

• “W dni powszednie w godz ___” – (No stopping / parking) on weekdays at ___

• “Droga wewnętrzna” - Private road

• “mgła” – Fog

• “Sypki żwir” – Loose gravel

• “śnieg” – Snow

• “natężenie ruchu” – Congestion

• “objazd” – Detour

• “wypadki” – Accident or accident risk

• “kręta droga” – Winding road


Most traffic fines are paid to the police in person and with cash, or possibly bank transfer. Carry cash with you and be sure to ask for a receipt. If you do not have cash, the case will go to court and the fine will need to be paid within three days of the court hearing. Speeding violations between 10km/h to 30 km/h over posted limits range from PLN 57 to PLN 342.


On highways, if there is a “korytarz ratunkowy” (traffic jam) the left -most lane should drive further onto the shoulder while the lane beside it stays further right. This creates a rescue lane for emergency vehicles.


• Do not use your horn unless necessary during the day and never at night; penalties are high for excessive use of horns.

• Watch for cyclist, scooter and motorcycle traffic, especially in urban areas.

• Trams and busses have right of way in intersections and sometimes run alongside passenger cars.

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