Commercial airplane flying in the sky

Commercial airplane flying in the sky (moovstock (123RF))

Emergency Information

If you experience an emergency on or off-base in the NAS Sigonella area, call dispatch:


They will coordinate proper assistance.

Emergency numbers outside of the NAS Sigonella region

  • Europe-wide emergency number (like 911) 112

  • Carabinieri (Italian Police) 112

  • Fire 115

  • Ambulance 118

  • Police 113

NAS Sigonella Website

NAS Sigonella Social Media

To dial DSN at Sigonella, use 624 + last four digits of the phone number.

Newcomer Classes


The NAS Sigonella Indoctrination class (INDOC) is mandatory for all active-duty military members. Spouses may also attend. This is a two-day class that covers base facilities and services, plus relocation assistance.

•     Register by emailing M-SI-NASSIG-TRAINING-GS@EU.NAVY.MIL.

•     INDOC Coordinator Phone: +39-095-56-4696


In conjunction with INDOC, the Intercultural Relations (ICR) program is run by the FFSC. This is a three-day long course, with two day trips to nearby cities. ICR covers local Italian culture, language, history and lifestyle information to help with your transition to a new country. Civilians and spouses are highly encouraged to attend ICR.

Permesso di Soggiorno

Within eight days of arrival, all military dependents, DOD civilian employees, contractors and their families must submit an application for a Permesso di Soggiorno. The permit gives you permission to legally live in Italy. To get it, you must already have a Missione Visa in your no-fee U.S. passport, which is a requirement before traveling to Italy. Contractors are not given no-fee passports, so the Missione Visa is printed in their tourist passport. The Soggiorno permit is valid for two years, and it is important to check the expiry date and renew if needed.

Region Legal Service Office (RLSO)

NAS II, Bldg. 564 | Phone: +39-095-86-7576

Bring the following to the RLSO for each Soggiorno.

  • Permesso di Soggiorno application

  • Three identical passport photos (NEX offers photo service)

  • Three copies of the picture and signature page in the no-fee passport

  • Two copies of the Missione Visa in the passport

  • Proof of SOFA Status: Orders for active duty, DD1614 and DD1617 for civilian employees (2 copies each), or DOCPER accreditation for contractors (2 copies)

Budget Shops

Need an extra pan, silverware or dishes at your temporary lodging? Check out these locations for those budget needs.

NMCRS Thrift Shop

NAS I, Bldg 318 | +39-348-903-1596

The thrift store has clothes, books, toys and small household goods for sale at economical prices.

FFSC Loan Locker

NAS I, Bldg. 319 | +39-095-56-4291

The Loan Locker at the Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) offers a hospitality kit that includes kitchen items such as silverware, dishes, pots, pants and coffee machines to borrow. 

The NEX Main Store is located on NAS I, and a NEX Mini Mart is located on NAS II.



NAS I, open daily

The commissary is co-located with the NEX and offers digital ordering and fast grocery pick up via the Commissary CLICK2GO App or online at

Off-base delivery

Food delivery apps commonly used across Italy:




Off-base grocery stores

•              Decò Supermarket is a Sicily-based grocery store chain with large superstores.

•              CONAD is a large Italian grocery store chain.

•              Carrefour is a large French-based grocery supermarket.

•              MD and Lidl are smaller, budget grocery markets.

•              Coop has regular sized shops and huge “Ipercoop” stores.

•              Spar is another grocery chain with small “Despar” stores and large “Eurospar” supermarkets.

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