
If you’ve ever taken a foreign language class, you’ll recall that among the first things you’re taught are greetings, introductions and polite phrases. While this is all well and good, when you’re actually living in a country, expanding your essential vocabulary to another category of words is highly advisable: those that carry a warning. Even if you don’t learn to write these words, being able to recognize them can keep you out of danger or prevent you from having to pay a hefty fine.

Below you’ll find an alphabetical list of just some of the words of warning you’re likely to spot on signs or might need to report an emergency to the appropriate authorities. Remember the German language adores a compound word, so you might need to divide and conquer to get to the bottom of a meaning; i.e., Rettungshubschrauberlandeplatz = Rettungs = rescue / hubschrauber = helicopter / landeplatz = landing pad.

Abschleppzone: tow-away zone

abstellen verboten: no parking or leaving behind an object such as a bicycle or moped

Achtung: attention or warning. This word is oftentimes followed by specification of the nature of the hazard or obstacle; i.e. Achtung Hochwasser = caution floodwaters

Anlieger frei: residents only

auf eigene Gefahr: at your own risk

ausser Betrieb: out of order

Baustelle: construction site

Brand: fire

Bußgeld: fine or penalty fee

Eichenprozessionsspinner Allergiegefahr: oak processionary moth caterpillars present; allergy risk. This warning is found in areas prone to nests of these pests. They can cause a nasty reaction in both pets and humans.

Eltern haften für Ihrer Kinder: Parents are responsible for their children

Erste-Hilfe-Station: first aid station

Erstickungsgefahr: a choking hazard, particularly for small children.

Ertrinkungsgefahr: risk of drowning; in other words, don’t swim here

freihalten: keep clear

giftig: toxic, poisonous

glatte: slippery

Hochspannung: high voltage

Hunde an die Leine: dogs must be leashed

kann Spuren von – enthalten: a warning on food labels explaining the product can contain traces of a potential allergen, for example “Erdnüssen,” peanuts

kein Trinkwasser: the water in this fountain, faucet or spring is not of drinking quality. As the word “kein” is a negation, the noun that follows describes what the thing is not. Kein Spielplatz, for example, warns that this is not a suitable place for children to play; Kein Eintritt or Kein Zugang means no entry.

Lebensgefahr: threatening to one’s life

nass: wet

nicht anfassen: do not touch

nicht betreten: do not enter

nicht füttern: do not feed (the animals in the cage in front of you)

nicht gestattet: not allowed

Notausgang: emergency exit

Notbremse: emergency brake

Notfall: emergency. Im Notfall 112 anrufen means “in the event of an emergency, call 112.”

Pflicht: a duty or an obligation. Maskenpflicht means one must be wearing a mask; Leinenpflicht means a dog must be on a leash.

Privatgrundstück: private property

Rettungsdienst: emergency or rescue services

Trittsicherheit und Schwindelfreiheit unerlässlich: surefootedness and a head for heights are essential; a warning sign you are likely to encounter when hiking in mountainous areas.

Schneelawinengefahr: an area in which an avalanche of snow is likely to occur

Sperrgebeit or Sperrbezirk: off-limits zone, no-go area

Straf: penalty; Straftat = punishable offense

Strom: electrical current

Strömung: a current in a river

Umleitung: detour (on transport); Umweg (for pedestrians)

unbefugtes betreten verboten: unauthorized entry prohibited

Unfall: accident

untersagt: prohibited; forbidden

verboten: forbidden, for example, Rauchen verboten, no smoking

Verbrennungsgefahr: flammable, or carries the risk of burning

Verletzung: injury

Vorsicht: caution; for example, Vorsicht vor dem Hund = beware of dog

Zufahrt freihalten: keep access road free

Zutritt verboten: access or entry prohibited

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