Upon arrival, getting a cell phone set up is vital. There are a variety of options in Germany and plans tend to be affordable. When you arrive, put your phone in airplane mode to avoid unexpected charges prior to setting up a phone plan.
Providers: Vodafone, Telekom, E-Plus, TKS, SIGA and O2, SimplyTel, Smartmobil
Pre-pay options
Pre-pay options offer services without contracts, and are available by most providers. They can be setup online, with a SIM card mailed to an off-installation residence, or by buying a SIM and top-up cards at grocery stores, retail centers and gas stations.
Service contracts
Service contracted plans typically last two years, and are offered by both on and off-installation providers.
On-installation Exchange Mobile Centers and TKS provide PCS/TDY cancellation terms for their customers. To set up a contract, you will need:
PCS Orders
Military ID
APO Address
German bank account information (IBAN)
Off-installation providers will have very competitive rates, but high fees for breaking contracts. Renewals are often automatic. You can ask about military exceptions and look for “young” deals if under the age of 28. To set up a contract you can visit a provider’s store or use their website. You will need:
• Off-installation address (where SIM card will be mailed)
• German bank account information (IBAN)
• Skype
• Facebook Messenger
• Facetime
• Google Hangouts