When eating out in Germany, expect evening meals to last a couple of hours. Be sure to close your menus to signal that you are ready to order. You will need to ask for additional drinks and signal your server to pay your check at the end. Not every restaurant accepts credit cards, so bring euros.
Here are a few restaurants we can recommend for your first German schnitzel:
• Stuttgart—Zum Reussemstein; Onkel Otto
• Wiesbaden—Brauhaus Castel; Der Andechser im Ratskeller
• Kaiserslautern—Big Emma; Brauhaus am Markt
• Bavaria—Gastof Hammer; Schinderhannes Weiden
• You’ll need a 50 cent or 1 euro coin to insert into shopping carts for use.
• Some stores require you to weigh and label your produce before checking out.
• Bring your own bag for your groceries.
• If you forget a bag, you may pay for one at the register.
• Credit cards may not be accepted at small shops, so carry euros.
• Stores are closed on Sundays and holidays.
• Home Improvement stores (like Home Depot): OBI, Toom, Bauhaus, Hornbach, Globus
• Supercenters (like Walmart): Kaufland, Globus
• Furniture Stores: IKEA; Möbel Martin
• Budget Clothing Stores: Kik, Woolworth, Primark, C&A, H&M, TK Maxx
• Bookstores: Thalia, Mayersche
• Arts and Crafts: idee, Tedi
• Cosmetics and self-care drugstores: DM-drogerie, Rossmann, Müller
These apps and websites can help you navigate the public transit systems here in Germany.
• DB Navigator is a free app where you can book tickets, get up-to-date information concerning delays/canceled trains, and, best of all, use the fare saver finder to look for the cheapest fares available. You can also use the Bahn website at www.bahn.de
• VRN Ticket is a free app for the Rhein-Neckar region which gives real-time schedules for regional buses, pedestrian routes, ticket prices and local traffic. You can find out which bus number to take, when it departs and where to get on/off.
• TaxiFareFinder.com is a website that helps those who want to calculate taxi fares between two destinations. For example, the estimated fare (at the time of publishing) from Ramstein Air Base to Kaiserslautern is 30.69 euros.