Group photo with Red, White and Blue theme

Group photo with Red, White and Blue theme (Ace Visuals)

As a military spouse, it is easy to feel like you put your life on hold to follow your service member around the world. We leave family, we leave friends, and we leave careers. The feeling of being “just a spouse” is a common myth that can be hard to overcome, especially when stationed overseas. In this world of being “just a spouse,” I have been lucky to find an organization that values me.

Prior to PCSing to Germany, I had never heard of AWAG. I was introduced to the organization through the Stuttgart Community Spouses’ Club. Several members attended the AWAG Annual Seminar and could not stop raving about how amazing it was. I added it to my mental wish list, but still had doubts. Would it really be as incredible as they said?

Networking and learning

Networking and learning (Ace Visuals)

If you are like me and had not heard of it before, you may be wondering what AWAG is. AWAG stands for Americans Working Around the Globe and has a long history in Europe. It originally started in 1946 as a post WWII relief organization. Over the decades, it has transformed into a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with a mission to train, strengthen and connect military-affiliated individuals through leadership and professional development seminars. AWAG is operated by a board of governors made up of military spouses, veterans, and others in the US military community. As a volunteer organization, they depend on support from many corporate sponsors and charitable donations to make their regional and annual seminars a reality for military communities throughout Europe.

In the spring of 2023, I attended my first AWAG Annual Seminar. And I can attest that all the hype I heard the year before was true! There was something magical about being there.

The Annual Seminar is hosted at Edelweiss Lodge and Resort in beautiful Garmisch, Germany. Waking up every morning with a view of the mountains feels unreal and special. After breathing in that fresh mountain air, you get to soak up knowledge from experts in a variety of classes, then, end the night connecting with participants from all parts of the globe.

Group photo with the mountains

Group photo with the mountains (Ace Visuals)

One of the most impactful classes I attended during the 2023 Annual Seminar was about growth mindset. A few characteristics of growth mindset include: accepting flaws and mistakes as opportunities for improvement, recognizing setbacks as part of the learning process, embracing challenges and even probable failure, and being open to feedback. As a longtime perfectionist, this class stretched me to become better in all areas. Another class was about how to improve your LinkedIn profile. The advice I received from the speaker gave me the confidence to leverage my volunteer experience to land the job I have now.

After experiencing the magic of AWAG in 2023, I had to do more! I applied for the Board of Governors and was accepted to serve as the Public Relations Director.

Group photo from masquerade

Group photo from masquerade (Kristen Thoennes)

At the beginning of our board year, we decided on a theme for the year—Level Up. This phrase was ever present in our conversations, our strategy and our planning. We leveled up our class offerings, we leveled up diversity of participants, and we leveled up the seminar experience with the Whova app. Throughout the year, we also helped each other level up. We had tough conversations and challenged each other to think outside the box. But we also advocated for each other and provided constant support.

At this year’s Annual Seminar, I was reminded of the growth mindset class with our keynote speaker, Andrea Singsaas. She encouraged us to grow one percent every day and told us that perfection is a lie. She told us: “You are enough.” This resonated with a lot of us, especially the military spouses in the room. She was able to chip away at the “just a spouse” myth.

Keynote speakers

Keynote speakers (Ace Visuals)

Watching our board, decked out in red, white and blue amongst the sparkle of the lights during our Closing Ceremony, I could see the magic in the air. We felt seen. We felt affirmed. We felt accomplished. We were more than “just a spouse.” That is the magic of AWAG.

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