The Department of Defense remains committed to the health and safety of military members and their families. This time of coronavirus disease 2019 is no different. The DOD continues to work with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other agencies to stop the spread. The DOD offers free resources through Military OneSource. Each program helps with different military-life challenges or seasons.
Protecting against COVID-19
Your local government set guidelines to keep the community healthy. The DOD has taken these steps to help keep military members healthy:
Authorized telework when duties allow
Started daily health screening for jobs where remote work isn’t possible
Restricted personnel movement and travel (now resuming in phases as local conditions allow)
Required face masks on base when 6-feet of social distancing isn’t possible
Began tiered COVID-19 testing of military personnel
Installations are taking additional precautions. Read about your service member’s location.
Protecting your service member during deployment and redeployment
As deployments and redeployments resume, the DOD prioritizes:
Protecting military and civilian personal and their families
Safeguarding our national security capabilities
Supporting the nationwide response to the pandemic
When your service member deploys or redeploys, safety measures will include:
Appropriate screening at the assigned place of duty or point of embarkation
Assessment of exposure history, temperature and any COVID-19 signs and symptoms and past test results
Consultation with a DOD health care provider if direct screening isn’t possible
Evaluation and testing, if necessary, of anyone with a fever or affirmative responses to screening questions
Isolation following DOD guidance for anyone who tests positive during screening or meets the clinical case definition of probable infection
Mandatory 14-day restriction of movement for all service members before deploying outside the United States (or after arrival, with permission)
Mandatory assessment before redeployment to see if 14-day restriction of movement is indicated
Protecting your service member’s pay and benefits
COVID-19 has changed routines around the world. This includes many service members’ duties and training. The DOD understands that can heighten anxiety. So it has acted to protect pay and benefits.
Financial assistance and counseling
Closures have strained finances for many. Resources are available to help service members, including:
Emergency financial assistance — from your service relief society
Child care fee assistance — for those who must pay for child care during quarantine
Military OneSource financial counselors — reach by phone and video
The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act — financial and legal protection
Military OneSource is here 24/7 to keep you informed. Visit our Coronavirus Updates for Our Military Community page.
For DOD updates for the military community on COVID-19, view these sites:
Visit Coronavirus.gov, CDC.gov, USA.gov and Defense.gov.
Follow Military OneSource’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram platforms.
Check Move.mil for PCS-related updates.
Testing and Surveillance for COVID-19
Learn about the DOD’s expanded testing for coronavirus disease 2019 and other measures to detect the disease early and stop its spread.