
Relationships can be complex. Add distance to the equation, and it’s even more challenging than before. Sudden deployments, changing duty stations and surprise assignments are all possibilities in the armed forces, which can put an even greater strain on long-distance relationships. But not to worry. The common pitfalls of long-distance relationships are avoidable by keeping a few simple things in mind.

Technology is your friend

The hardest part of a long-distance relationship can be the physical distance. Lucky for us, we’re living in the modern world of instant technology. Apps like whatsApp, iMessenger, Skype, and FaceTime cost nothing and are ideal ways to communicate with your mate when you’re apart. Being able to talk to one another is super important. Not into technology? Exchange letters and talk on the phone as regularly as possible. You don’t have to spend a fortune to keep in touch. There are resources through the USO that can help both of you connect for less. Try to use the distance to strengthen your communication as partners and remember that you are more than the space between you.

Love yourself while you’re on your own

Use the time without your significant other to strengthen yourself and further your personal goal. Start a new fitness regimen, or pick up a skill, or find a way to fulfill your goals while your partner is away. Better yourself and remember, it’s much easier to love someone who loves himself first. Take on your autonomy and fight loneliness with personal achievement.

Remember there's an end date

Long-distance relationships are hard. But remember that every day apart is one day closer to your reunion. You’ll make it through this. Keep yourself occupied and communicate with your significant other through your time apart; but remember that loving yourself as an individual within your partnership is the best thing you can do for your relationship, your partner and for you.

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