Astronaut in space station ()
Do you want to try some astronaut food? Here is a great astronaut pudding recipe for you to make.
One plastic sealable sandwich bag per person
Measuring spoons
One straw or one bowl and spoon per person
Whipping cream (aka heavy cream) powder (Can use regular whipped cream in a pinch)
Powdered (aka instant) milk
Optional flavorings: Flavored strawberry, vanilla, banana or chocolate milk powder, such as Nesquik, or powdered peanut butter, such as Pb2.
Wash your hands and open one sandwich bag.
Add 1 tablespoon and 2 teaspoons of whipping cream powder to the sandwich bag.
Add 1 tablespoon and 2 teaspoons of powdered milk to the sandwich bag. Optional fun: Replace the 2 teaspoons with flavored powdered milk or powdered peanut butter.
Add 8 tablespoons of water to the sandwich bag.
Close the sandwich bag. Make super sure the bag is sealed.
Squish the closed bag with your hands to mix up your pudding.
Leave the closed bag to sit for 5 to 10 minutes.
After you wait, turn the bag upside down. Younger kids may need an adult for this part. Cut a small corner off of the sandwich bag.
Put a straw in the open hole or squeeze your pudding into a bowl.
Enjoy your pudding.
Adapted from