
When you transfer to a new duty station, everyone in your family has to make adjustments. When someone in the family needs special educational or medical services, there are often added challenges. Learning as much as you can will help get you started on the right foot toward a successful move.

What is the Exceptional Family Member Program?

The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is designed to provide support to military families with special needs. The EFMP is a multidisciplinary assignment tool that interfaces with other military and civilian agencies to provide comprehensive and coordinated medical, educational, community and personnel support to military families with special needs. Enrollment in the EFMP ensures consideration of the needs of family members in the detailing process.

Who is eligible for the EFM Program?

Family members of active duty personnel or reservists called to active duty who meetthe following criteria:

  • Is enrolled in DEERS,

  • Has been diagnosed with a chronic medical, mental health or educational condition (including gifted students) for six months or longer that requires special services 

  • Resides with the active duty sponsor.

Must I enroll my family member with special needs in EFMP?

Yes, If someone in your family qualifies for the program enrollment is MANDATORY! Active duty service members will be screened for suitability prior to approval for accompanied travel. If the accompanying exceptional family member is enrolled in the EFMP, their needs will be considered early in the assignment process to ensure that medical and educational services are available. If their needs are only identified during the mandatory screening process, often the assignment will be delayed while their needs are coordinated with the gaining location.

Whether transferring within the U.S. or overseas, researching the availability of services for the exceptional family member may seem like an insurmountable task. However, information is available through your installation MTF, EFMP Coordinator, and School Liaison Officer or from a variety of on-line sources such as Military One Source.

For more information about helping your student PCS, visit Europe Family and MWR's website for an Inbound Student Handbook.

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